Monday, December 15, 2014


Sunday 21st December 2014

MOUNT DESERT WOOD, Lee Road, Cork City

(The old St. Joseph’s Hospital, now a nursing home)
National Grid Reference W 630 720 Park on the left-hand side on the way up the drive (do not park on grass).

Café open to us that day but please change into clean clothes beforehand. The area south of the drive, containing the sewerage treatment plant, is out-of-bounds.

Cork County league (Round 8) & Family Day
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm for the Winter months
Courses Close at 2 pm

BROWN COURSE                         6.0 km          425 m           17 c
BLUE COURSE                              4.7                370               17
GREEN COURSE                          4.0                290               16
RED COURSE                                3.0                210               14
ORANGE COURSE                       3.0                135               20
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)        2.6                120               14