Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Sunday 2nd March 2014

DEERPAK WOOD, Mogeely, (1 km north of Castlemartyr Village)
Parking on the road east of Mogeely Village (about 0.5 km from the village) National Grid Reference W 973 762

Cork Spring league (Round 1) & Family Day
Electronic punching for Red to Brown courses (hire of SI card eur 1)
Controls out from 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Courses Close at 2 pm

BROWN COURSE (hardest)            10.5.0 km, 355 m, 28 c
BLUE COURSE                                 7.8 km, 260 m, 27 c
GREEN COURSE                              6.1 km, 160 m, 25 c
RED COURSE                                   5.5 km, 125 m, 22 c
ORANGE COURSE                           5.0 km, 070 m, 17 c
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)             4.0 km, 040 m, 07 c

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday 23rd February 2014

SHIPPOOL WOOD, near Innishannon House Hotel
Parking in the wood, entrance is 3.0 km on the Kinsale side of the Hotel (after Shippool Castle and the two bad bends)
National Grid Reference W 568 542

Cork Winter Brass Monkey league (Round 9) & Family Day
Electronic punching for Red to Brown courses (hire of SI card eur 1)
Controls out from 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Courses Close at 2 pm

BROWN COURSE (hardest)             7.0 km, 335 m, 27 c (2 maps)
BLUE COURSE                                5.0 km, 275 m, 29 c
GREEN COURSE                              4.2 km, 225 m, 25 c
RED COURSE                                  3.4 km, 175 m, 26 c
ORANGE COURSE                           2.7 km, 130 m, 21 c
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)             2.0 km, 070 m, 15

Monday, February 10, 2014


Sunday 16th February 2014

National Grid Reference W 203 368
Cork Winter Brass Monkey league (Round 8) & Family Day 
Electronic punching for Red to Brown courses (hire of SI card eur 1)

Controls out from 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Courses Close at 2 pm 

BROWN COURSE (hardest)             7.1 km, 250 m, 27 c
BLUE COURSE                                  6.3 km, 200 m, 25 c
GREEN COURSE                              4.5 km, 150 m, 21 c
RED COURSE                                    3.1 km, 100 m, 15 c
ORANGE COURSE                            2.7 km, 060 m, 14 c
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)             2.4 km, 050 m, 13 c

Monday, February 3, 2014


Sunday 9th February 2014

LEAMLARA CASTLE WOODS, Leamlara, Carrigtwohill

National Grid Reference W 819793
Signposted from Jack Spratt’s Pub in the centre of Carrigtwohill Village (from here travel northwards over the railway bridge and then a sharp right and all the way towards Leamlara Village, passing the Tattan Ring View Bar on the way).
Park just before the village, outside Brookfield Nursing Home

Cork Winter Brass Monkey league (Round 7) & Family Day
Electronic punching for Red to Brown courses (hire of SI card eur 1)
Controls out from 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Start Times from 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Courses Close at 2 pm

BROWN COURSE (hardest)             10.7 km, 230 m, 30 c
BLUE COURSE                                  9.0 km, 180 m, 29 c
GREEN COURSE                              6.8 km, 150 m, 24 c
RED COURSE                                    5.3 km, 100 m, 20 c
ORANGE COURSE                           3.0 km, 080 m, 16 c
YELLOW COURSE (easiest)             1.2 km, 050 m, 06 c