Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Jan 2022, first 10 days !

1) Sat 1 or Sun 2 Jan 2022 

Basic Technical Training at Oldcourt Wood
(Bookings to bishopstownoc@gmail.com)
2) Sunday 2nd January 2022

OLDCOURT WOOD, Rochestown 
(park in Belmont Estate at the top of Clarke’s Hill)
Cork Winter League (Planner SC)
Brown    7.2 km,  300 m,  20 c
Blue       6.9 km,  300 m,  18 c
Green    5.6 km,  250 m,   19 c
Red       4.0 km,   200 m,  10 c
Orange  3.5 km,   100 m,  8 c
Yellow    2.5 km,   80 m,   16c

3) Sat 8 or Sun 9 Jan 2022

Basic Technical Training at Macroom Castle Demesne
 (Bookings to bishopstownoc@gmail.com)

4) Sunday 9th January 2022   

(GAA & McEgan College car parks)
Cork Winter League
(Planner SC)

Brown    7.2 km,  75 m,  20 c
Blue       6.5 km,  70 m,  20 c
Green    5.0 km,  65 m,   18 c
Red       4.0 km,   50 m,  15 c
Orange  3.0 km,   40 m,  14 c
Yellow    2.5 km,   30 m,  11 c

BOC  ORIENTEERING EVENTS (you must pre-book)
SI event fees: Families €15, adults €8, students €4, juniors €3.
Hire of SI Card €1 per card per day (€40 if card is lost or damaged).
Start times 10.30 am to 1 pm, courses close at 2 pm SHARP.
Pre-entries for SI Timing before 6 pm the previous day to orienteering.ie 
A limited number of entries accepted on the day but mainly for the Yellow and Orange courses only

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Post X-Mas events

Mon 27 BALLINCOLLIG REGIONAL PARK, Ballincollig Village.
Park at Fionn Laoi car park (through Manor Hill estate)
This is a sprint map incorporating housing estates between Fionn Laoi and the powder mills so there is significant running on hard surfaces. Therefore, studded shoes are not suitable (runners preferable).
Brown    7.0km,  40m,  17c
Blue       5.9km,  45m,  15c
Green    5.0km,  35m,   11c
Red       4.2km,   20m,  14c
Orange  3.0km,   20m,  9c
Yellow    1.9km,   5m,   11c

Tue 28 HODDERSFIELD WOOD, Crosshaven (park on side on the main Carrigaline/Crosshaven road, about 1.5km before Crosshaven Village) (Planner William Curry, Assistant Planner Michael Duggan)
Brown Course 6.0 km, 200 m, 21 c             (Planner William Curry)
Blue Course 5.0 km, 175 m, 20 c                (Planner William Curry)
Green Course 4.8 km, 150 m, 17 c              (Planner William Curry)
Red Course 3.5 km, 125 m, 16 c                  (Planner Michael Duggan)
Orange Course 2.4 km, 80 m, 13 c               (Planner Michael Duggan)
Yellow Course  1.7 km, 50 m, 9 c.                (Planner Michael Duggan) 

BOC  ORIENTEERING EVENTS (you must pre-book)
SI event fees: Families €15, adults €8, students €4, juniors €3.
Hire of SI Card €1 per card per day (€40 if card is lost or damaged).
Start times 10.30 am to 1 pm, courses close at 2 pm SHARP.
Pre-entries for SI Timing before 6 pm the previous day to orienteering.ie 
A limited number of entries accepted on the day but mainly for the Yellow and Orange courses only

Sunday, December 12, 2021


Sun 19 GLEN RIVER PARK, Ballyvolane, Cork City (park in car parks near Keating Fitted Furniture on Ballyhooley Road) 

(Planner Dermot O'Sullivan)

(No Brown Course)
Blue Course: a map-memory course (without a blank map), 5.2 km, 80 m, 21 c  (SI)
Green Course: 4.3km 80m, 21 controls (SI)
Red Course: 3.5 km 50 m 19 controls (SI)
Orange Course: 2.7 km 15 controls (SI)
Yellow Course: 1.6 km 12 controls (using IOA Board Controls)`

BOC  ORIENTEERING EVENTS (you must pre-book)
SI event fees: Families €15, adults €8, students €4, juniors €3.
Hire of SI Card €1 per card per day (€40 if card is lost or damaged).
Start times 10.30 am to 1 pm, courses close at 2 pm SHARP.
Pre-entries for SI Timing before 6 pm the previous day to orienteering.ie 
A limited number of entries accepted on the day but mainly for the Yellow and Orange courses only

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Sun 12 DONERAILE WILDLIFE PARK, Doneraile Village (park in first car park inside the main gate or outside on the main street) 

(Planner Ted Lucey)

Brown Course 8.6 km, 150 m, 21 c
Blue Course 6.6, 125, 18
Green Course 5.5, 120, 18
Red Course 4.4, 90, 14
Orange Course 3.2, 75, 10
Yellow Course 2.5, 55, 8

BOC  ORIENTEERING EVENTS (you must pre-book)
SI event fees: Families €15, adults €8, students €4, juniors €3.
Hire of SI Card €1 per card per day (€40 if card is lost or damaged).
Start times 10.30 am to 1 pm, courses close at 2 pm SHARP.

Pre-entries for SI Timing before 6 pm the previous day to orienteering.ie 
A limited number of entries accepted on the day but mainly for the Yellow and Orange courses only.